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How to Moderate your Gallery
How to Moderate your Gallery

Hide or delete photos and videos from the gallery

Updated over a week ago

As an admin you have the ability to moderate submissions from the live gallery. In the Dashboard, you’re able to delete or hide videos and photos.

When a submission or group of submissions have been deleted there is no chance of recovery.

Navigate to Your Dashboard To Moderate Submissions

  1. Navigate to your dashboard, select the activation you'd like to modify and then choose Moderation from the left menu under “Gallery.”

  2. Once there, you can moderate your gallery by hiding or deleting submissions.

Hide Submissions

You’ll want to hide submissions if you want to keep the submission but not display it in the gallery.

  1. Click on a submission and it will open a lightbox where you can click a button to hide the submission.

  2. If you would like to hide multiple submissions at once, simply click as many check boxes as you'd like, then on the upper right menu, choose hide.

Delete Submissions

You can delete submission that you never want access to again.


  • A participant requests to have their submission deleted.

  • A participant submits a blank submission that you don’t want.

  • An inappropriate submission.

  1. Follow the steps for hiding submissions, but click “Delete” instead.

Made a mistake?

If you hid the submission, not to worry!

  1. Navigate the the Hidden Tab on the Moderation page.

  2. Select the submission you want to “unhide”

  3. Click “Approve”

If you deleted the submission it has been permanently deleted and we can not be access it for you.

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